I'm tired of the regular, boring New Year's resolutions each year. So, I'm making a list of some resolutions that I will complete by the end of the year that will still give my life an extra boost, but won't seem so monotonous!
1. Take more photos
- I have been to so many unique places and done some pretty interesting things in my life. I really want to document them better! Although I've always been more of a "I'm there for the experience" type of person, I want to get those photos that I can one day share with my kids or even reminisce a few year later!
2. Do a good deed for someone EVERY day
- Everyone seems to make resolutions to better themselves. While this is great, it is important to remember those around you as well. I can do something as little as a compliment or a smile. Those can go a long way to improve someone's day!
3. Go on a hike once a month
- Yes, I still want to eat healthier and exercise more, but that seems tedious. So, let's make it more interesting! There are so many cool places close to where I live that I can visit and hike. I can even "Take more photos" while I'm there!
4. Try a new restaurant every other week
- I'm not made of money, or I'd try to do this every week! It can also relate to adding in some new food to my diet. So many people seem to cut out food to start the new year. Why not add in some new healthy options as well? There are so many restaurants in Athens I have yet to dine at!
5. Be more social, not just on social media
- Seriously.. I want to turn my phone OFF when I go out to eat with friends. I'm normally pretty social, but there's always an awkward and quiet moment that comes up. So maybe I could throw in some corny joke to lighten the mood! I also want to meet some new people. Being in college is great for that. I have the opportunity every day to meet someone new!
6. Read more books
- I was never a huge fan of reading, but my brain could use a good exercise every now and then!
7. Swim once a week
- As in, an exercise-related swim. Yes, this goes back to the whole exercise thing. But I go to UGA and we have a gym where this is possible! I used to swim a lot over the summer and it's a healthy habit I need to return to. Just keep swimming!