Monday, February 10, 2020

How to Study in PA School

     Everyone knows that PA school can be one of the most stressful times in your life, but it can also be the most rewarding.  The key is to try and find a work-life balance (easier said than done, I know)!  You spend all day on a clinical rotation, come home to study for the EOR (end-of-rotation) exam, complete the assignments for that rotation, and then you have to try and find time to eat... all this while still trying to prepare to the PANCE!  It can seem overwhelming at times 😓.  Hopefully I can ease your conscious some by providing some resources you can pull from to aid your current study habits.

     My classmates always knew I was "extra" when it came to studying.  I enjoy making study guides, printing them out, and then handwriting notes on top of them.  All while jamming to the Halo soundtrack; Michael Salvatori was my #3 Spotify artist of 2019 behind NF and Taylor Swift.  While this worked for ME it may not be a method in which you feel you can succeed.  There are COUNTLESS options available to help you succeed for your EOR examinations, and eventually the PANCE.  Options both myself and fellow University of Kentucky classmates utilized, included:
  1. Paid subscription courses from Rosh Review or HIPPO Education
    1. These sites provide sample questions, study guides, video education and more!
      1. *you can share an account login, but you didn't hear this from me*
  2. Educational video through my BOY, Dustyn Williams at Online MedEd, or otherwise.
    1. This man has helped me with so much.
  3. Texts such as CMDT (Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment) 2020"The Green Book", or PANCE Prep Pearls
    1. CMDT was my go-to, but it definitely isn't the most user-friendly textbook.
  4. The University of Kentucky had access to UpToDate, which was a game changer!  They also has access to various literature review sites as well.
    1. This was probably my BIGGEST resource in PA school.  Having quick access to the most current information on my computer or smartphone.
  5. Lastly my personal study guides found here at PA School Study Stuff.  I hope you can find them helpful!!
    1. These are based on the EOR guidelines for each rotation: Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Women's Health, Emergency Medicine and General Surgery.
    2. The study guides are a mix of all the resources found above and all credit goes to the original authors and publishers.
     As an indicator of performance, I did well on each EOR exam, finishing above the national average on all but 1 exam.  I then passed the PANCE on my 1st attempt with room to spare!  I hope this information helps.  Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions concerning PA school.  I would be more than happy to help you in your journey to PA school, during PA school, or beginning your job search!

You'll make it through, I promise!  You'll walk across that stage, same as I did.  I just know it!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! I randomly found this while googling EOR study guides cause I’m having a hard time finding how to study for these exams and I already bombed one :(

  2. Thank you so much for this!!! This is amazing and thanks for sharing! <3

  3. I know this post is from a while ago but I'm wondering if anyone has had success accessing the "PA School Study Stuff"...when I click on it it says the folder is empty! Thanks!
