CHALLENGE: When talking to friends/family, mention positive aspects about your day or life before mentioning what you do/did not like.
For those who don't know me, I tend to complain about the countless little things that surround me. Basically, I speak before I think... A lifelong problem for me that my mom can attest to (I love you, Mom!). This may just be human nature, I know I can't be the only one! All these negative things that surround us seem to consume a larger portion of our minds/lives than the positive things. The unfortunate thing is that we are somewhat conditioned to allow these negative things to consume us. The media runs negative stories because we, as a society, tend to tune-in to negative stories more frequently than positive stories, so the networks get more views and more revenue. Negative posts on social media stir a reaction while positive posts seem quickly forgotten or simply scrolled past, but I always love me an adorable puppy post!
I recently was overcome with stress from PA school. I looked at my life and realized I simply could not keep living this way, with so much weighing me down. With all the complaining, the negativity, the stress, I was near rock-bottom from a mental health standpoint. It was unhealthy, it was wearing me down, it was exhausting! So I challenged myself. I re-wired my mind to focus on things that would make me happy, more positive thoughts. Some advice I got from one of my professors was, "only focus on what you can control." While, I didn't make sense of my professor's advice initially, it later hit me following a mental breakdown after an extremely stressful week of tests, studying, and personal life struggles. How helpful those words of advice are now. We simply can't control everything around us, as much as I'd like to... So I changed my thought process, I switched to controlling what I could, and allowing the rest of the world to happen as it happens.
There was a video I was recommended regarding everything I discussed above, and it places a unique perspective on how we view the world and ways we can change our thought process...
Just from this minor change of communication, my stress has greatly reduced and I feel so much better than I did prior to this little "social experiment." I am happier, much less stressed, and I am better able to manage the countess responsibilities that pull me in every direction. Positive thoughts and only controlling what I can control!
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