Monday, October 8, 2018


QUESTION: What is your biggest regret?

     I hear so many people say, "I regret not doing this" or "I regret not doing that." How many people do you know regret something they they have done? I hear that so few times that I'd be lying if I said I could count on two hands. I'm personally of the mind set to trying everything. You want to try out for the local baseball team? Train, and try out. You want to become a doctor? Study, and apply to med school. You want to date that person you think is out of your league!? Ask, they just might feel the same way... Try everything! And even though you might not succeed initially, you CAN do it and you WILL do it if it's what you truly want to do.
     There was a video I saw on YouTube where they had a giant chalkboard, and at the top "Write your Biggest Regret..." People began populating the wall with things their regrets; not pursuing their dream, not asking that girl/boy out, not taking that extra step to reach their goal, not applying to their dream school, not ______, you can fill in the blank. Not a single person wrote something on that wall that they regretted actually doing.

     My grandfather shared a quote with me... While humorous, it hits the nail on the head. "It's better to reach for the stars and land on the moon than to reach for the top of the haystack and land in the dirt." Pursue your dreams! You will regret it more if you don't try.

My Biggest Regret: The mental stress I placed on my family growing up. Love you guys!

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