I recently finished up my pediatric rotation, and I LOVED every moment of it! For some reason, children in healthcare are so much more enjoyable to work with and treat than adults... I spent the rotation at two different clinics with two different patient populations. I was at an Adolescent Clinic and a General Peds Clinic. I spent 3 days/week at the adolescent clinic seeing patients 10-23 years old and 2 days/week at the general peds clinic seeing patients 1 day old through 4 years old.
Adolescent Clinic:
- Well-child checks, immunizations, sport's physicals, birth control, STI's
- Well-child checks, acute illnesses, rashes, fevers, education/counseling for feeding & growth/development
Both locations were phenomenal and my preceptors consisted of MD's, DO's and PA-C's. Each had their own unique way of approaching the patient with the same end goal of total patient health and prevention of disease. I enjoy pediatrics because it is a different approach to typical healthcare. Pediatrics is largely focused on disease prevention or primary prevention while most adult medicine is focused on disease treatment or tertiary prevention.
Our program uses PAEA Exams, and they post a topic list and blueprint for each exam. Below are those categories if you want to see what we are responsible for:
Books that helped me ROCK this exam include (the latter two are books for all PANCE topics, not just pediatrics but give a good summary of common pediatric conditions):
POP QUIZ ANSWER: Roseola (“Roseola
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